Links For The Church (7/2)

by Staff July 1, 2018

How To Be A Burden

Garrett Flatt writes that our tendency is to try to avoid being a burden or asking for help. He challenges this perspective and reminds us that we need help from God and one another.

Planting Seeds of Gospel Hope

"When I offer my children grace, love, and acceptance in their failures I’m pointing them to a greater version of these things in Christ. Just the same, when I extend an invitation for a playdate with an unbeliever I’m reflecting a greater invitation from the Savior." -Liz Wann

4 Essentials When Bringing New People On A Team

This practical post provides some guidelines and wisdom when someone new joins your team. Eric Geiger shares ideas that are inclusive and loving. 

Fauxnerability In The Church: What Is It? What Do We Do About It?

"When a twisted form a vulnerability is used in service of a spiritual false self, congregations are thrown into painful and often contentious seasons of gossip, opposition, choosing sides, and living in trauma and confusion." -Chuck DeGroat