Links For The Church (8/13)

by Staff August 12, 2018

For The Long Days

Alex Lewis writes about his experience with depression and how the Lord has taught him through his suffering. 

Life Lessons from Ecclesiastes

The book of Ecclesiastes is often misunderstood but gives us a beautiful picture of how we can have hope in the troubles of life.

God's Global Mission in an Era of the Autonomous Self 

"As the church understands that the mission of God is rooted in the undivided being and act of God, this requires an ecclesiology which will not separate God’s mission from the church’s existence and purpose." – Glenn Smith

Scripture Before Phone, and Other Habits That Could Change Your Life

Trevin Wax, in this practical article, shares how we can build habits that put the Gospel at the center and help us become more like Jesus. 

3 Reasons Every Church Service Doesn't Need To Be Epic

Dan Darling writes on the ordinary, small moments of church life, and how these can help us trust God in our worship services.