3 Warning Signs You’re Drifting from Faith Into Superstition
We are more superstitious than we’d like to admit if we find that God just can’t seem to live up to our expectations.
Is Your Mind Battle Ready?
Here is a simple, but powerful way to prepare the mind for action.
Exultational Theology
Some examples of writing that worships.
Pastor, Don’t Waste Your Exclamation Points
If everything is exciting, nothing is.
His Name is Faithfulness
When God sets us on high, Satan himself cannot pull us down.
Ministry and Marriage in An Ashley Madison World
A panel discussion on “Ministry and Marriage in an Ashley Madison World: Standing Faithfully in a Hyper-sexualized World."
Eat the Word for Breakfast
While I have always known God's Word changes lives, experiencing it in my life and that of others has given me the confidence to stand with the Reformers of years past in calling for the primacy of God's Word in our lives and churches.
The Problem With Our Complementarianism
Value all of the workers, not just the ones who put on a suit and tie, or plaid and cords, at 8am and come home for dinner at five.
One Thing: Noah Oldham
Series: One Thing
What is the one thing you would tell church planters about faithful ministry?
Do You Trust Yourself Too Much?
No matter how well we do in the day to day tasks, if our minds are our ultimate governors then we are nothing more than fools.