Episode 243: The First Ever “FTC Grab Bag” Episode
We start a new feature this week we’re calling the FTC Grab Bag. Unlike the FTC Mailbag, where we answer your submitted questions and topics, on Grab Bag episodes Jared and Ross will each bring “surprise” topics or questions they want to discuss with each other. Will it be interesting? Will it go terribly? Tune in and find out.

11: Other Views on the Christian and Old Testament Law
Series: Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and For Christ
“We Uphold the Law” (Rom 3:31) This post considers alternative proposals to how Moses’s law relates to Christians. It first tackles the common distinction between moral, civil, and ceremonial law, and then it confronts three dangerous approaches to the law that followers of Christ must avoid. Assessing the Threefold Division of the Law Historically, many […]

Episode 242: The Annual Christmas Episode
Why do the more traditional Christmas songs feel the most timeless? Mr. Christmas himself — pastor and author Dr. Ronnie Martin — is back for our annual Christmas episode. This time he and host Jared Wilson discuss their favorite Christmas music. And we have a BIG announcement to share at the end of the episode!

10: The Christians’ Connection to Moses’s Law
Series: Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and For Christ
“Not under Law” (Rom 6:14): How does the OT law apply to Christians when so much has changed with Christ’s coming, not least of which is that we are part of the new covenant and not the old? With a simple alliteration, Brian Rosner has captured well three principles that clarify the Christian’s relationship to […]

Episode 241: FTC Mailbag
It’s a Mailbag episode! On this week’s For the Church Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson answer your questions and discuss your submitted topics, including how to handle burnout and ministry discouragement, advice for pastors who have unmarried couples who are cohabitating, developing a culture of Bible readers in the church, the place of apologetics or academic discussions in preaching, identifying potential elders, and even our favorite dad jokes.

2024 For the Church Book Awards
Series: Book Reviews
A good book timely placed in the right hands can change the course of a life and ministry. At For the Church, we believe in the ministry of good books for the sake of the Church—which is why we’re excited to present to you the 2024 For the Church Book Awards. For our eighth annual […]

Through Agony, Comes Forth Life: How Childbirth Points Us To The Hope Found in Christ’s Death
A few weeks ago, I was reading through the Gospel of Mark and came upon the narrative of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. As I read the words of Jesus “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will,” I felt […]

Episode 240: Church Size Dynamics
Different size churches experience different cultural and communal dynamics. Different size churches need different kinds of leadership, as well. On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about how church size affects church experience and church ministry.

9 Biblical Methods for Encouraging One Another
The Need for Encouragement Would you take more encouragement if you could get it? Have you ever felt like you had no more need of encouragement? What would be possible in your life if you lived with a continual diet of encouragement from others? These questions help reveal something we all intuitively know: We need […]

Episode 239: The Great De-Churching
We are currently experiencing the largest and fastest religious shift in US history. It is greater than the First and Second Great Awakening and every revival in our country combined…but in the opposite direction. On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson chats with Jim Davis and Michael Graham, co-authors of the new book The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?, about the eye-opening and challenging findings of the first-ever large-scale sociological research study of the American de-churching phenomenon. Maybe your assumptions about why people are leaving the church in massive numbers will be subverted, as well. Davis and Graham provide key insights to the challenge and applicational takeaways for evangelicals and church leaders in rising to the challenge. Find out more info at dechurching.com