What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.



Feb 19

Leaders As Hosts by Todd Chipman

Series: Pastoral Hospitality and the Health of the Local Church

Editor’s note: This article is part two of a four-part series. Access the full series here. In the first post in this series, I noted that God is hospitable. The Lord’s hospitality to Moses and Israel’s leaders in Exodus 24 stops careful readers in their tracks. What a God! He is holy but personal. And […]

Oct 5

The Minister’s Preaching by Jason K. Allen

Series: 2017 For The Church National Conference

Jason K. Allen's message on "The Minister's Preaching" delivered at the 2017 For The Church National Conference.

Sep 28

Be Empowered Everywhere by Zach Barnhart

If we dig into Acts 1:8 we'll unlock a plethora of insight into what authentic "missional living" looks like.

Sep 1

Truth and Leadership by Darrin Patrick

Series: 2015 For The Church Conference

Dr. Darrin Patrick leads session three at the For The Church Conference on Truth and Leadership.

Aug 5

6 Traits of Authentic Christian Community by Mike Ayers

People want to be a part of something God-sized.

May 20

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 3 by Robin D. Hadaway

After a year of teaching and a trip to Jerusalem by Paul and Barnabas to clarify the doc­trine of salvation concerning the Gentiles (commonly known as the Jerusalem Council), this almost 2-year-old church was ready to begin its mis­sion . . .

May 6

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 2 by Robin D. Hadaway

While we can't clone what is taking place in the biblical book of Acts, we can seek to learn its pattern.

Apr 27

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 1 by Robin D. Hadaway

The first thing we should say about a church-planting church is that it has been purified in the crucible of difficulty.

Apr 2

An Invitation to Expectation by Brandon D. Smith

Acts 2:42-47. A bunch of normal folks, like you and me, praying, eating, and worshiping together. It’s not much different than my church’s community groups that meet around the Dallas/Fort Worth area together. It’s a relief, a needed calm. And yet it isn’t calm at all . . .