Leaders As Hosts
Series: Pastoral Hospitality and the Health of the Local Church
Editor’s note: This article is part two of a four-part series. Access the full series here. In the first post in this series, I noted that God is hospitable. The Lord’s hospitality to Moses and Israel’s leaders in Exodus 24 stops careful readers in their tracks. What a God! He is holy but personal. And […]

Be Empowered Everywhere
If we dig into Acts 1:8 we'll unlock a plethora of insight into what authentic "missional living" looks like.

6 Traits of Authentic Christian Community
People want to be a part of something God-sized.

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 3
After a year of teaching and a trip to Jerusalem by Paul and Barnabas to clarify the doctrine of salvation concerning the Gentiles (commonly known as the Jerusalem Council), this almost 2-year-old church was ready to begin its mission . . .

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 2
While we can't clone what is taking place in the biblical book of Acts, we can seek to learn its pattern.

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 1
The first thing we should say about a church-planting church is that it has been purified in the crucible of difficulty.

An Invitation to Expectation
Acts 2:42-47. A bunch of normal folks, like you and me, praying, eating, and worshiping together. It’s not much different than my church’s community groups that meet around the Dallas/Fort Worth area together. It’s a relief, a needed calm. And yet it isn’t calm at all . . .