What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Zach Barnhart

Zach Barnhart currently serves as a church planting resident with Fellowship Church and is pursuing pastoral ministry. He is a college graduate from Middle Tennessee State University and lives in Knoxville with his wife, Hannah. You can follow Zach on Twitter or Instagram @zachbarnhart_ or follow his personal blog, Cultivated.

Aug 23

Putting God to the Test in Prayer by Zach Barnhart

Prayerlessness in the Christian life, especially in seasons of being tried and tested, is a fascinatingly sad phenomenon.

Aug 8

The Pulpit Call by Zach Barnhart

My question is, even though we may be gospel-centered, are we still asking people to come to Christ?

Apr 4

God Loves Us Enough to Disappoint Us by Zach Barnhart

The very worst thing God could do for us is give us the life we want in our flesh.

Oct 26

What Job’s Friends Did Right by Zach Barnhart

Despite the harsh criticism often given of them, Job's friends show us how to demonstrate the power of the gospel in our listening.

Oct 13

2 Words That Kill Effective Bible Study by Zach Barnhart

Deciding what the Bible means "to us" seems like an innocent way to invite everyone’s voice to the table for discussion, but it’s a surefire way to kill effective Bible study.

Jul 15

Majoring on Solutions by Zach Barnhart

It has become commonplace in the church for ills and problems to demand the majority of our attention and focus. In considering God's design for the body of Christ, what would it look like for pastors and laypeople to spend adequate time and energy seeking out solutions to these problems as well? 

Jun 9

Keeping Your Balance in Prayer by Zach Barnhart

A renewed focus on attentive, undistracted and reverent prayer will greatly help us keep our balance and stay in the saddle.

May 6

The Church, A Battering Ram by Zach Barnhart

In response to modern culture, the Church often assumes a defensive position. Christ has called us to something more.

Apr 11

How Negativity Refines Us by Zach Barnhart

I think according to Scripture, we have many reasons why we should be willing, even grateful, to step into relationships in which we are met with differences, criticisms, and even opposition and negativity.

Jan 13

What the Preacher Thinks of the Worship Leader by Zach Barnhart

I took my seat as the service started, going through the mental checklist, making sure I prepared. Then my worship leader began the song, “God is Able" . . .