The Green Glass Door and The Gospel
When I played college baseball, we used to play games on the road to make the time go by faster. My games of choice were either Spades or riddle word games. My favorite riddle was “The Green Glass Door.” If you haven’t heard, it goes like this: There is a Green Glass Door. A goose […]
Spontaneous Regeneration
When we come to Christ we are instantaneously swept into a spiritual, life-giving current – even before our conscience minds are aware of it.
Epaphras’ Example for Pastors Like You and Me
If I want Colossians 1:3-6 to be happening in our church, what kind of pastor do I have to be? What kind of pastor does God use to accomplish this kind of work?
A Colossians 3:16 Kind of Singing
When we dwell on the gospel, it should stir within the depths of our soul an uncontainable joy.