Does Your Church Produce Leaves or Fruit?
Jesus’ clearing of the temple served the same function as the cursing of the fig tree: it exposed hypocrisy and condemned fruitlessness.

Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars in the Church
Are you a leader who wants to unify your church and dismantle the silos, politics, and turf wars that frustrate real ministry and mission? Then labor to help your people see beyond their own cardboard kingdoms and embrace the greater kingdom of God.

When You Didn’t Bring the Bread
In these moments our humanity lies bare. Our greatest fears are realized—we are exposed for the weak and woefully inadequate people we are. We failed to meet even the lowest expectations. Things that are so seemingly obvious nobody should mess them up.

The Preciousness of Jesus
Our Christ's preciousness is more than deserving to be adorned with the drink offering of our very lives. And it is our willingness to adore him in and through our breaking open that shows we believe this.