Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Joel Lindsey

Joel Lindsey is the Lead Pastor of Grace Church in Racine, Wisconsin.

Sep 10

Does Your Church Produce Leaves or Fruit? by Joel Lindsey

Jesus’ clearing of the temple served the same function as the cursing of the fig tree: it exposed hypocrisy and condemned fruitlessness.

Oct 14

Marriage: Covenant vs. Contract by Joel Lindsey

For us to better understand the marriage as covenant we need to understand what makes a covenant different from a contract.

Sep 28

5 Steps of Repentance by Joel Lindsey

The importance of repentance is hard to overstate.

Sep 4

Knowing and Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit by Joel Lindsey

When Paul says that Christians belong to Christ Jesus, it means, at least, that the blessings that are Christ’s are the blessings bestowed on Christians right now.

Aug 24

Trusting God Like Jesus Did by Joel Lindsey

Given the variety of difficult circumstances in our lives, recalling and trusting the promises of God can feel nearly impossible. Thankfully, our gracious God provides a model for trust through his gracious Son.

Aug 6

Pushing Past Fear to Share Your Faith by Joel Lindsey

Becoming a courageous witness is not based upon our natural strength or abilities; it is based on faith in the absolute power of the Holy Spirit.

Aug 5

3 Tips for a Healthier Prayer Life by Joel Lindsey

Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar: You decide it’s time to pray, so you close your eyes. Fifteen seconds in, out of nowhere, tomorrow’s to-do list pops up and your thoughts are off on a tangent . . .

Jun 8

Fighting Legalism In Your Heart by Joel Lindsey

It is helpful for us to examine our own hearts for signs of legalism, signs of places where we are trusting in or protecting our moral self-sufficiency for our identity.

Jun 5

What Does The Resurrection Have To Do With Forgiveness? by Joel Lindsey

It stands, then, that if Jesus was not raised, Christ’s sacrifice was deficient, that Jesus’ blood was somehow insufficient to pay the full penalty for sin.

Apr 8

Why We Need a Gospel-Centered, Missional Church by Joel Lindsey

Sadly, because of its inability, and often unwillingness, to adapt to its surroundings, the church lost its point of contact with culture, and with that, its voice and influence. Thus the need for a gospel-centered missional church. But what is a gospel-centered, missional church?