What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Body of Christ

Mar 5

Episode 305: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s a new mailbag installment of the podcast, where Jared and Ross answer listener-submitted questions. On this episode, the guys weigh in on: first steps for newly appointed lay elders, pastors running for political office, cultivating healthy desires in a church, “fencing the table,” navigating differences of opinion on alcohol, and more.

Feb 26

Episode 304: Glorification by Jared C. Wilson and Jason Alligood

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson visits with Cedarville University’s Dr. Jason Alligood about his new book Raised in Splendor and about the hope of glorification in our secular age.

Jan 22

Episode 299: Church Fights by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

From throwing microphones to walking out of meetings, we’ve seen (and done) some unfortunate things in the midst of church conflict. Listen in as Jared and Ross discuss the roots and rationales of church conflicts — and how to respond when fights take over a church.

Jan 2

Episode 14: Service by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. If pastors mean to reflect the heart of the Good Shepherd, they will pursue a servant’s heart. But we find this pursuit frustrated by our own laziness, a sense of entitlement, or even others’ presuming upon our service. How can we push through these frustrations and develop a vision for open-hearted caretaking of others? In this final episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin commend the wisdom practice of Christlike service.

Dec 26

Episode 13: Encouragement by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

Pastors constantly operate in an encouragement deficit. The practice of encouragement gives life. But so many ministers are drowning in criticism or just general disappointment. How can we become better encouragers of others when we receive so little of it ourselves? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin share some encouraging insights about encouragement! This wisdom practice can revolutionize our lives and enliven our ministries.

Nov 21

Interlude: Wisdom Practices of Pastor’s Wives by Becky Wilson and Jared C. Wilson and Melissa Martin and Ronnie Martin

In this special episode of The Heart of Pastoring, Becky Wilson and Melissa Martin join their husbands to talk about some important rhythms for healthy marriages and healthy ministry partnerships between pastors and their wives. What should pastors know about their wives’ unique perspectives on ministry? What will bless the heart of the pastor’s wife? And how can the pastoral marriage be a source of joy and endurance in the ongoing wisdom practices of the pastor?

Nov 13

Episode 289: Grab Bag! by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another installment in the Grab Bag feature, where Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson ask each other two surprise questions for off-the-cuff responses. Tune in and find out what we caught each other off guard about this week.

Nov 7

Episode 6: Discipleship by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

“Our Lord has given the commission to the church to make disciples. Yet too many pastors spend more time settling for drawing a crowd or “keeping the customers satisfied.” In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin explain the obedience of disciple-making in pastoral ministry and how this practice reflects the wisdom of God, even if not always the concerns of modern religious sensibilities.

Oct 24

Episode 4: Gratitude by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

How does a pastor lead himself and his congregation in thankfulness? If the Scriptures command us to “give thanks in all things,” how can we embrace that command in even the low and trying moments of ministry? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin talk about the wisdom practice of gratitude and its all-flavoring help in every day and every season of shepherding.

Oct 16

Episode 285: Wisdom Practices with Ronnie Martin by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson is joined by Dr. Ronnie Martin to talk about the “wisdom practices” pastors should adopt as regular rhythms in their life in the pursuite of spiritual maturity, emotional stability, and ministerial endurance. Jared and Ronnie’s Midwestern Seminary podcast The Heart of Pastoring is now back in its 2nd season and available wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. https://ftc.co/resource-library/heart-of-pastoring-podcast/