Episode 304: Glorification
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson visits with Cedarville University’s Dr. Jason Alligood about his new book Raised in Splendor and about the hope of glorification in our secular age.

What is the Soul?
Series: Theology in the Everyday
Editor’s Note: The Theology in the Everyday series seeks to introduce and explain theological concepts in 500 words or less, with a 200-word section helping explain the doctrine to kids. At For The Church, we believe that theology should not be designated to the academy alone but lived out by faith in everyday life. We […]

Christians, We are Losing Our Witness
We are losing the ability to graciously disagree and have conversations and even healthy debates about matters that have eternal value.

Love is Love, Except When It is Not
Love that is true love is wrapped in objective truth.

Stop Hijacking Jesus
We must have strong hermeneutical standards, but those hermeneutical standards are wrecked if we do not begin with all of Scripture being God-breathed.

Why I Welcome Persecution
The church flourishing in spite of persecution is not the stuff of American church culture; it's the stuff of the New Testatment and we should not be surprised by it.

How to Pastor When You’re Away
The only thing I could do was to depend on the Biblical pattern of elder plurality

Do I Really Love Jesus?
Here’s the rub: We don’t always want to love Jesus. Living in light of truth is hard and living comfortable lives according to our flesh is easy. It’s hard to put Christ first when He calls us to love Him more than anyone or anything. And yet He promises the most joy when we seek Him alone as our greatest treasure.

What is the Ambition of Your Life?
When the drive to achieve becomes the reason for existence in the life of a Christian, the ambition to which Scripture calls us is lost, but not unrecoverable.

Christ is Our Only Righteousness
I am nothing without Christ’s righteousness.