Christian Life

Jul 25

Dominion, Donuts, and the Digital Age by Seth Troutt

When I put a new vegetable in front of my four-year-old, his eyes narrow, his brow furrows, he leans slowly closer to his plate, and, before tasting it, he predictably says, “I don’t like this.” This neophobia—the fear of the new—seems contextually inborn. When I tell my four-year-old, “We are going to watch a new […]

Jun 26

Episode 269: Jen Wilkin on Revelation by Jared C. Wilson and Jen Wilkin

Revelation shouldn’t leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, though, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Teacher and author Jen Wilkin has written a new Bible study guiding readers through Revelation verse-by-verse to discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible, helpful, and speaks a steadying word of assurance and endurance to the church in every age. Wilkin joins Jared Wilson on this episode of the FTC Podcast to discuss.

Jun 17

A New Birth by Ross Ferguson

Everyone is born dead. Signs of life are evident—the ability to breathe, the pulse felt on our wrists, and an ever-increasing ability to understand the things of this world. Yet signs of death are lurking in the background. Death is seen in the disobedient child, in the small lies we tell each other, and in […]

May 29

Episode 265: Dealing with Criticism by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

We all swim in a sea of negativity every day, but how should Christians process and respond to specific criticism that comes their way? Whether pastors receiving criticism from their congregations or everyday believers receiving critical words from others, what’s the biblical response to hearing criticism?

May 13

To See Thy Face, Immanuel by Charles Spurgeon

Editor’s Note: The following poems were written by Charles Spurgeon and compiled by Geoffrey Chang in Christ Our All: Poems for the Christian Pilgrim . They are reproduced here by permission of B&H Academic. The book releases May 15 and is available to preorder now.   The One Request[1] Cambridge / Waterbeach, June 1853 If to […]

Apr 23

Unsearchable Riches: 100 Facets to the Diamond of Christ by Dane Ortlund

He is inexhaustible. Unsearchably rich (Eph 3:8). Bottomless. We receive him, thinking he’s a pond, only to discover over time he’s an ocean. In him there is surprise after surprise. Endless discovery. Startling wonders around each bend. He’s ruling and reigning over the entire cosmos such that the top headline of both FoxNews and CNN […]

Apr 17

Episode 259: Why Stories Matter by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the importance of “story” as it pertains to our testimonies and to preaching and teaching, as well as the biblical and theological significance of the concept of story, before discussing Jared’s new book The Storied Life: Christian Writing as Art and Worship. The Storied Life, designed for writers and artists of all kinds, is published by Zondervan and is available to order/purchase wherever you buy Christian books. Order before May 7 and you can get access to Jared’s FREE teaching videos either for writers or preachers. More details at:

Mar 27

A Sacred Silence: How Witholding Words Helped Me Heal by Grace Pike

In the past, God used trials to refine both my soul and my art. Regardless of the darkness faced, processing with the Lord birthed poems and words. I often turned to the Psalms, with their patterns of lament, repentance, and praise. So, it shocked me when the pattern shattered, and Psalm 88:18’s final words permeated […]

Feb 20

The Pornography Pandemic by Leslie Umstattd

Pornography is not often talked about in the church, but pornography is often on the minds of many church members. Pornography is a growing pandemic, and it is only getting worse. It is reported that 93% of pastors see it as a much bigger problem than it was in the past.[1] As the Church, we […]

Feb 14

Episode 250: Grab Bag! by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It turns out the Grab Bag concept was a hit! Y’all liked the first episode with this concept so much, we’re going to make it a regular feature on the program. In the Grab Bag episodes, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson each bring 2 surprise topics or questions for the other to answer.