Episode 200: Barnabas Piper on Belonging
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with pastor and author Barnabas Piper about his new book “Belonging” and the beauty of gospel-centered unity and community in the local church.

Three Pursuits Better Than Being Right
Nobody is going to get everything right all the time. As the church, our aim is not to be right on all things, in all the times. Rather, the Bible calls us to three pursuits of greater value.

Don’t Waste Your Life Following Your Passion
It is the time of year where graduations abound. Commencement speakers and familial advice-givers are saying things like: “Follow your passion!” “Chase your dreams!” “Focus on being true to yourself!” “You can change the world!” On the whole, such admonitions are dreadful advice and will paralyze, not liberate, those who embrace them. As far as […]

15 Resolves for Maintaining Spiritual Balance in Severe Interpersonal Conflicts
Here are fifteen areas of obedience that will bring personal peace, assure that God’s reputation is honored in our lives, and improve dramatically the possibility for reconciliation.

Episode 145: Complications with Community
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared discusses some of the ways members can frustrate the experience of gospel-centered community in their churches.

Steve Bezner On Maintaining A Culture Of Community
Series: Conversations
How do you maintain a culture of community in a growing church?

Bear the Sin, Look to the Savior
This is the path that looks like insanity to the world. Bearing the sins of one another in daily life, and even if we cannot maintain a relationship any longer, still loving and forgiving those who hurt us.

Recovering The Lost Art Of Encouragement
When a friend is caught in addiction or destructive behavior, the loving thing to do is to help them out of it through intervention.

Wounding Our Friends
Hurtful words are only good if they are selfless words, driven by love.

Liturgy for Life: The Rhythms That Shape Us
If Christians are shaped by the form of corporate worship, then they will also be shaped by the rhythms of their daily life as a part of the community of God.