Steve Bezner on What Difficult Thing in Life Has Taught Him the Most
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Steve Bezner, Lead Pastor of Houston Northwest Church in Houston, TX, "What’s the most difficult thing in your life that has taught you the most?"

Steve Bezner on Maintaining Community in a Growing Church
Series: Conversations
How do you maintain a culture of community in a growing church?

Steve Bezner on Developing Relationships with Muslim Leaders in Our Cities
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Steve Bezner, Lead Pastor at Houston Northwest Church in Houston, TX: "Why do you develop relationships with Muslim leaders in your city?"

Steve Bezner on Who Has Influenced His Preaching the Most
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Steve Bezner, Lead Pastor of Houston Northwest Church in Houston, Texas: "Who has influenced your preaching the most?"

Steve Bezner On Maintaining A Culture Of Community
Series: Conversations
How do you maintain a culture of community in a growing church?

Steve Bezner on Making Disciples Without Relying Solely on Programs
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Steve Bezner, Lead Pastor of Houston Northwest Church in Houston, TX: "How do we make disciples without creating a one-size-fits-all program?"

Steve Bezner on Pastors Leading Through Conflict
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Steve Bezner, Lead Pastor at Houston Northwest Church in Houston, TX: "What should pastors remember when leading through times of conflict?"

Shepherding Your Staff
Work to embed spiritual growth and vitality into your staff gatherings.

The Language of Forgiveness
My problem? I tend to think God forgives like I do.

Why Christians Oppose Abortion
When Christians oppose abortion, they are beginning with the fundamental belief that humans are the capstone of creation, created in the image of God, and therefore ought to be preserved.