Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!



Mar 19

Episode 307: Mixing it Up on Student Ministry by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Jared and Ross return to a past episode format — “mixing it up” — where they draw out the usual podcast banter to specific subjects. No agenda; no plan. Just a free-form conversation — this week, on student ministry.

Aug 16

Pastor, Be What You Want to See by Jared C. Wilson

God forbids pastoral domineering but commands instead “being examples to the flock” (1 Pet. 5:3). Therefore, pastor, whatever you are, your church will eventually become. If you are a loudmouth boaster, your church will gradually become known for loudmouth boasting. If you are a graceless idiot, your church will gradually become known for graceless idiocy. […]

Feb 28

Episode 252: Narcissism in the Church by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the problem with narcissists in the life and leadership of the church. How do we spot narcissism? What is the cause? Is there any remedy? And how would I know if I am one?

Dec 6

Episode 240: Church Size Dynamics by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Different size churches experience different cultural and communal dynamics. Different size churches need different kinds of leadership, as well. On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about how church size affects church experience and church ministry.

Jan 30

The Bible Warned Us About This by David McLemore

There is only one hero. Others may good models in some areas, maybe even in most areas, but all but Christ are fallen. 

Oct 21

Charles Smith on Whether All Christians Should Consider Themselves Leaders by Charles Smith

FTC.co asks Charles Smith, Senior VP for Institutional Relations and Assistant Professor of Christian Leadership at MBTS, “Should all Christians consider themselves leaders?”

Oct 12

Episode 181: Jason K. Allen on the MBTS Turnaround by Jared C. Wilson and Jason K. Allen

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with Dr. Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Seminary, on the occasion of his 10th anniversary at the seminary and his new book Turnaround, laying out the leadership principles applied in the extraordinary comeback he led at the institution.

Sep 13

Lead Where You Are by Jason K. Allen

Pursue faithfulness in leadership, not success. The world does not need more hypothetical leaders; it needs more actual ones.

Jun 22

The Beatitudes of Leadership by Brandon Braun

 Church leadership is at a crossroads. It’s time for us to choose a better way – the “blessed” way.

Jun 17

Clint Pressley on Leadership Qualities for Gospel Centrality by Clint Pressley

Series: Conversations

What leadership qualities are needed in transitioning a church to greater gospel-centrality?