Episode 177: Brant Hansen on The Men We Need
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with radio host and author Brant Hansen about Christian manhood — its problems and promise — about godly ambition, toxic masculinity, and the like, as well as Asperger’s, mission, and more.

My Doctoral Defense Did Not Go as Planned
As I plodded through doctoral studies, these realities about fatherhood sank into my bones. My wife and my children needed my sacrifice, my presence, and even my absence. But most importantly, they needed something – someone – far greater than me.

Men: A Plan for Simple but Hard Discipleship
Every Christian is to follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and long to see the character of Jesus reflected in their life. The Bible refers to following Christ in this way as discipleship. Thus, the vital question for every man who longs to be a disciple of Christ and to disciple his family, is how?

I, Yet Not I: A Man’s Personality, Spiritual Gifts, and the Glory of God
Every man must commit himself to the reality that his life constitutes his own unique and strategic ministry opportunity.

Adam McClendon on Christian Culture and Masculinity
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Adam McClendon, Professor in the School of Divnity and Director of the DMin doctoral program at Liberty University, "What does Christian culture sometimes get wrong about masculinity?"

The Audacious Invincibility of Meekness
There is much good in young men rejecting passivity, taking responsibility, and seeking to better themselves. But the arteries of anger, victimhood, and aggressive machismo running through the new masculinity movement do not bode well.

4 Ways Men are Called to Be Spiritual Leaders
We read Ephesians 5:22-26 and there is no avoiding it: God has called men to be spiritual leaders in the home.

Cruciform Warriors Needed
If we are not willing to suffer for our convictions, then they are not convictions at all, they are conveniences.

The Battle for a Man’s Mind
The starting point of a redeemed worldview is knowing the greatest danger to any man exists inside of him, not outside.