What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.



Jan 2

Episode 14: Service by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. If pastors mean to reflect the heart of the Good Shepherd, they will pursue a servant’s heart. But we find this pursuit frustrated by our own laziness, a sense of entitlement, or even others’ presuming upon our service. How can we push through these frustrations and develop a vision for open-hearted caretaking of others? In this final episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin commend the wisdom practice of Christlike service.

Dec 19

Ep 12: Recreation by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The Lord has made us not simply to work, but to play. He has given us talents and taste buds, interests and abilities, wonder and “wirings”—all to help us enjoy his common grace and glorify him in that enjoyment. But how do we devote good time to hobbies and interests without feeling guilty, or letting them overrule our life? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin have a lively conversation about the surprising wisdom practice of recreation.

Dec 18

Episode 294: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another installment in the FTC Mailbag feature, where Jared and Ross answer listener-submitted questions. This week’s topics include evangelizing the comfortable, the difference between preaching and teaching, leaving churches with shallow preaching, divisive church members, chemistry on the elder board, and the structure of pastoral residencies.

Nov 28

Episode 9: Reading by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

Why should reading be a priority for every pastor? How do you incorporate the need to learn and grow this way during seasons of intense busyness and lack of margin? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin resume their exploration of the pastoral wisdom practices by talking about their own reading histories and habits, and how every pastor ought to invest in his ongoing development and discipline by committing to read.

Nov 21

Interlude: Wisdom Practices of Pastor’s Wives by Becky Wilson and Jared C. Wilson and Melissa Martin and Ronnie Martin

In this special episode of The Heart of Pastoring, Becky Wilson and Melissa Martin join their husbands to talk about some important rhythms for healthy marriages and healthy ministry partnerships between pastors and their wives. What should pastors know about their wives’ unique perspectives on ministry? What will bless the heart of the pastor’s wife? And how can the pastoral marriage be a source of joy and endurance in the ongoing wisdom practices of the pastor?

Nov 14

Episode 7: Friendship by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

Why don’t more pastors have friends? Why don’t more enjoy the friendships they do have? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin discuss the promise and the peril of pastoral friendship. What are the risks involved? Why is it worth it? How is the pursuit of and investment in friendships an oft-neglected (or avoided) wisdom practice?

Nov 7

Episode 6: Discipleship by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

“Our Lord has given the commission to the church to make disciples. Yet too many pastors spend more time settling for drawing a crowd or “keeping the customers satisfied.” In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin explain the obedience of disciple-making in pastoral ministry and how this practice reflects the wisdom of God, even if not always the concerns of modern religious sensibilities.

Oct 17

Episode 3: Silence by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

Why is sitting still before the Lord important? What are the benefits to our heart, mind, and soul? What are we looking to see happen when we practice it? In this episode Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin have a penetrating conversation about the increasingly vital need for the wisdom practice of silence in the life of the pastor.

Oct 10

Episode 2: Prayer by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The first wisdom practice to explore is prayer. But why do pastors often find it so difficult to practice? And why is it so vital? What are some practical ways to think about prayer so that it comes from a place of delight over duty? In this episode Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin discuss the crucial rhythm of prayer in the life of the pastor.

Oct 10

Episode 1: Preface by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

How can pastors practically and devotionally invest in spiritual (and physical) endurance and sustainable faithfulness in ministry? In this new season of Midwestern Seminary’s The Heart of Pastoring, veteran pastors Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin return to discuss 12 “wisdom practices” important for every ministry leader to adopt as gospel-centered rhythms in their personal and vocational lives. In this preface to the season, Jared and Ronnie survey the evangelical landscape, explore the need for these practices, and set a vision for where this new journey will take us.