How does a Pastor’s leadership change as his Church grows? – Clint Pressley
Ftc asks pastor Clint Presley ‘How does a Pastor’s leadership change as his Church grows?’.

Clint Pressley On Leading Big Change
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Clint Pressley, lead pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, “How do you lead big change in a church without blowing it up?”

Clint Pressley on Leadership Qualities for Gospel Centrality
Series: Conversations
What leadership qualities are needed in transitioning a church to greater gospel-centrality?

Clint Pressley On Writing Sermons
Series: Conversations
How do you write sermons? Describe your sermon preparation process

Clint Pressley on Who Has Influenced His Preaching the Most
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Clint Pressley, Lead Pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, "Who has influenced your preaching the most?"

Clint Pressley on Training Men for Ministry
Series: Conversations
What are some important components in training men for ministry?

Clint Pressley on Mistakes Beginning Pastors Make
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Clint Pressley, Lead Pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, "What are some common mistakes beginning pastors make?"

Clint Pressley on Attractional vs. Gospel-Centered Church
What are some practical considerations for the pastor leading his church from an attractional mindset to a more gospel-centered ministry?

Clint Pressley on How Much Preaching Matters
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Clint Pressley, Lead Pastor at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC: "How much does preaching matter?"

Clint Pressley on Attractional Church Models
Series: Conversations
What are some practical considerations for the pastor leading his church from an attractional mindset to a more gospel-centered ministry?