Courtney Reissig

Courtney Reissig is a pastor's wife and author of The Accidental Feminist (Crossway). A freelance writer, blogger, and teacher, she is a graduate of Northwestern College (MN) and has conducted graduate study at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. You can follow her on Twitter at @courtneyreissig.

Mar 16

Let Us All Be Hospitable by Courtney Reissig

The Christian images God in many ways, but one of the ways all of us can show the world what he is like is through our practice of hospitality.

Oct 4

Are Kids Resilient? by Courtney Reissig

The difficulty we face in our families takes time to process, and in The Storm-Tossed Family, Dr. Moore walks with the reader every step of the way.

Apr 24

Ordinary is Big Enough in God�s Eyes by Courtney Reissig

We are living in a time when being ordinary is the worst thing that can happen to a person, and nothing screams ordinary like at-home work.

Apr 24

Ordinary is Big Enough in God’s Eyes by Courtney Reissig

We are living in a time when being ordinary is the worst thing that can happen to a person, and nothing screams ordinary like at-home work.

Aug 11

5 Benefits of Loving My Small Church by Courtney Reissig

As members of small churches, let’s remember the value of being there, lest we forget the gift that God has given us.

Jul 29

Feminism and the Question of Female Identity by Courtney Reissig

Recovering from feminism and embracing God’s idea of womanhood is far more than a throwback to a 1950s television show. True freedom is knowing that God had a good design when he created us male and female.

Jun 8

Hannah’s Loss by Courtney Reissig

Hannah was able to look in the face of her precious boy as she walked away from him for the last time and know that God would win in the end and her loss was not in vain.

May 27

Why We Sing by Courtney Reissig

We sing because we love God, not because we are the next Whitney Houston. Making a joyful noise is more about the One who makes us joyful than the squeaky noise coming from our vocal chords.

May 18

The Sin We Don’t Speak Of by Courtney Reissig

We all have that sin. The one we thought was long conquered, long forgotten, and long paid for by Christ's precious blood. Then one day it emerges, reminding us that we are not yet perfected, and riddling us with guilt.