Danny Slavich

Danny Slavich is a church planting pastor, adjunct professor, and writer who recently received his PhD in Theology from Midwestern Seminary.

Aug 4

Gegenpressing: Heavy Metal Mission in Contested Space by Danny Slavich

As believers, we’re often tempted to tend the space we’ve already won, rather than contesting for space God wants us to take.

Apr 8

Charging the Gates of Hell When You Can Barely Move by Danny Slavich

The land of exile is the locus of theological formation. 

May 10

Drawn into the Picture by Danny Slavich

We decided early on that our rhythm of weekly worship would consistently include celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

Aug 10

Should I Have Started My PhD Instead of Becoming a Pastor? by Danny Slavich

Had I chosen a different road, I could have another diploma and an impressive honorific on my name. Instead, I’ve got scars and stories and schooling in a degree program only accredited in heaven.

Jul 27

Should I Have Started My PhD Instead of Becoming a Pastor? by Danny Slavich

I’ve got scars and stories and schooling in a degree program only accredited in heaven.