What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Dave Jenkins

Dave Jenkins is the Executive Director of Servants of Grace Ministries, the Executive Editor of Theology for Life Magazine, and a Co-Host of the Equipping You in Grace Podcast. He received his MAR and M.Div. through Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. You can follow him on Twitter, find him on Facebook or read more of his writing at Servants of Grace.

Jun 24

The Transforming Power of God-Centeredness by Dave Jenkins

Our God is a treasure to be enjoyed, worshiped, and obeyed. 

Feb 14

5 Basics of Biblical Interpretation by Dave Jenkins

The basis for biblical interpretation begins with Jesus.

Nov 7

Preaching the Psalms to Ourselves by Dave Jenkins

The book of Psalms shows us not only how to do to right theology, but also how good theology should lead us to worship and right living before the Lord.

Nov 2

3 Keys to Listening to Sermons by Dave Jenkins

Listening well and taking good notes during the sermon is a means to an end. That end is our growth in Christ and understanding of the Bible.

Oct 18

Preaching the Gospel to Ourselves by Dave Jenkins

The whole Bible is for the entire Christian because the entire Bible has a unified message in the gospel of the Lord Jesus.