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Mike Brooks

Mike serves as Associate Editor at For The Church. He is currently a PhD student in Historical Theology at MBTS and a member at Emmaus Church. Mike and his wife, Paige, reside in Kansas City. You can follow him on Twitter via @mikebrooks.

Sep 26

Who Is an Evangelical?: A Book Review by Mike Brooks

Series: Book Reviews

In Who Is an Evangelical?, Thomas Kidd reminds us of what initially earned us the "evangelical" label, beckoning us to remember where we came from and offering a proposition to return.

Sep 19

Who Is an Evangelical, Anyway? by Mike Brooks and Thomas Kidd

Whatever people call “evangelicals,” I hope we will still be known as bearers of the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ.

Jun 25

Not So with the Onlookers by Mike Brooks

At the height of my foray into theological worlds unknown, I met a traveler. Her name was Mrs. Billie Jo.

Apr 25

The Doctrine of God and the Content of Our Prayers by Mike Brooks

Who is God? What is he like? How do we come to know him? To whom are we speaking when we go to God in prayer?​


Mar 28

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Seminary by Mike Brooks

Here are five areas to take a long, hard look at before making a committment to pursue seminary training for the next three to four years of your life.

Oct 30

Stewards of Our Stories by Mike Brooks

I don’t know of a person on Earth who doesn’t need to know what it feels like to be loved by God. Consequently, each week, with the Spirit’s help, we’re going to take our best shot at it.

Aug 30

4 Rules for the Shepherd’s Staff by Mike Brooks

Oh the untold wonders of things that may be accomplished from a unified gospel-front within the local church. Ask your pastor how you can help the church get there.

Aug 30

4 Rules for the Shepherd�s Staff by Mike Brooks

Oh the untold wonders of things that may be accomplished from a unified gospel-front within the local church. Ask your pastor how you can help the church get there.

May 24

The Kind of Balance Only God Can Give by Mike Brooks

Our lives are meant to be utterly and unapologetically gospel-centered. This is true balance.

Apr 24

Man’s Praise and the Divine Accolade by Mike Brooks

The good news in all this is that we are gloriously whole and are being made to feel that way also. But God is not content that we fill up on vainglory.