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Thomas Kidd

Dr. Thomas Kidd is Research Professor of Church history and John and Sharon Yeats Endowed Chair of Baptist Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous books, including George Whitefield: America's Spiritual Founding Father, The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America, and most recently, Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh.

Jul 4

Thomas Jefferson, The Baptists, and A Giant Block of Cheese by Thomas Kidd

Despite having a widespread reputation for irreligious beliefs, President Thomas Jefferson was a hero to many Baptists in America because he was arguably the nation’s greatest champion of religious liberty. Baptists wanted to convey how delighted they were with his election as president in 1800. A big block of cheese played a major role in […]

Jul 3

What Makes Baptist Political Theology? by Thomas Kidd

The distinctive Baptist contribution to political theology is the doctrine of religious freedom and disestablishment. You will find some mention of religious freedom in almost every chapter of this book. But why? And what does religious freedom mean for the whole body of political theology? Is it the only thing we have to say about […]

May 30

What Should Churches Do for the Fourth of July? by Thomas Kidd

What should churches do on the Sunday of the Fourth of July? The Fourth of July can be one of the most perplexing dates of the year for many pastors. Unlike Easter and Christmas, the Fourth is neither a universal, nor a specifically Christian occasion. It’s only celebrated by Americans, and non-Christians can enjoy the […]

Jul 4

Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh: An Interview with Thomas S. Kidd by Brett Fredenberg and Thomas Kidd

Thomas S. Kidd serves as research professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His latest book, Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh (Yale University Press, 2022), is a revelatory new biography of Thomas Jefferson, focusing on his ethical and spiritual life.

Jun 15

Episode 164: Thomas Kidd on the Fascinating Case of Thomas Jefferson by Jared C. Wilson and Thomas Kidd

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with historian Dr. Thomas Kidd about his new biography of Thomas Jefferson, helping us separate fact from fiction in Jefferson’s life and spirituality.

Apr 29

Thomas Kidd on Why Pastors Should Care about History by Thomas Kidd

Why should pastors seek to study and understand history?

Jun 8

Thomas Kidd on the Most Notable Effects of the First and Second Great Awakenings by Thomas Kidd

We asked Thomas Kidd, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Church History at MBTS and Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, “What were the most notable effects of the First and Second Great Awakenings on American spirituality?”

Mar 16

Thomas Kidd on His Primary Influences Related to Evangelicalism and the Life of the Mind by Thomas Kidd

We ask Thomas Kidd, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Church History at MBTS and Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, “Who or what were your primary influences related to evangelicalism and the life of the mind?”

Nov 12

Reduce Your Social Media Friction by Thomas Kidd

Social media platforms have to be a tool for outreach and benefit, not stress and anxiety, or they're not worth it.

Sep 19

Who Is an Evangelical, Anyway? by Mike Brooks and Thomas Kidd

Whatever people call “evangelicals,” I hope we will still be known as bearers of the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ.