Episode 14: Service
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. If pastors mean to reflect the heart of the Good Shepherd, they will pursue a servant’s heart. But we find this pursuit frustrated by our own laziness, a sense of entitlement, or even others’ presuming upon our service. How can we push through these frustrations and develop a vision for open-hearted caretaking of others? In this final episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin commend the wisdom practice of Christlike service.

Episode 13: Encouragement
Pastors constantly operate in an encouragement deficit. The practice of encouragement gives life. But so many ministers are drowning in criticism or just general disappointment. How can we become better encouragers of others when we receive so little of it ourselves? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin share some encouraging insights about encouragement! This wisdom practice can revolutionize our lives and enliven our ministries.

Episode 295: The Annual Christmas Episode
The annual Christmas episode is here! And in our annual podcast tradition, Mr. Christmas himself — Ronnie Martin — is joining Jared again to fill your hearts with holiday cheer. On this year’s special episode, Jared and Ronnie talk about their favorite “snapshots” of Christmas past and discuss the delight (and the downside) of the ideal Christmas.

Ep 12: Recreation
The Lord has made us not simply to work, but to play. He has given us talents and taste buds, interests and abilities, wonder and “wirings”—all to help us enjoy his common grace and glorify him in that enjoyment. But how do we devote good time to hobbies and interests without feeling guilty, or letting them overrule our life? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin have a lively conversation about the surprising wisdom practice of recreation.

Episode 11: Scripture
Nearly every pastor is accustomed to treating the Bible as a resource for content—for preaching and teaching, discipling and counseling. But in their “using” of the Bible, too often we forget to let the Bible use them. Nothing can be more important for the shepherd of God’s people to be nourished and empowered by the very voice of God himself. In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin examine the wisdom practice of reading, studying, and meditating on Scripture, reflecting on how pastoral ministry can only be sustainable when the word is “richly dwelling” in us.

Episode 10: Exercise
Paul said bodily exercise matters (though not as much as spiritual formation). But how can we incorporate a healthy practice of physical exercise into our lives in ways that actually affect our spiritual and emotional health? What is the purpose of regular exercise beyond concerns about body image or losing weight? How do we find the right balance? Or find time to exercise at all? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin talk about our bodies as a stewardship from God and how commitment to regular exercise is a practice of wisdom.

Episode 9: Reading
Why should reading be a priority for every pastor? How do you incorporate the need to learn and grow this way during seasons of intense busyness and lack of margin? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin resume their exploration of the pastoral wisdom practices by talking about their own reading histories and habits, and how every pastor ought to invest in his ongoing development and discipline by committing to read.

Interlude: Wisdom Practices of Pastor’s Wives
In this special episode of The Heart of Pastoring, Becky Wilson and Melissa Martin join their husbands to talk about some important rhythms for healthy marriages and healthy ministry partnerships between pastors and their wives. What should pastors know about their wives’ unique perspectives on ministry? What will bless the heart of the pastor’s wife? And how can the pastoral marriage be a source of joy and endurance in the ongoing wisdom practices of the pastor?

Episode 7: Friendship
Why don’t more pastors have friends? Why don’t more enjoy the friendships they do have? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin discuss the promise and the peril of pastoral friendship. What are the risks involved? Why is it worth it? How is the pursuit of and investment in friendships an oft-neglected (or avoided) wisdom practice?

Episode 6: Discipleship
“Our Lord has given the commission to the church to make disciples. Yet too many pastors spend more time settling for drawing a crowd or “keeping the customers satisfied.” In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin explain the obedience of disciple-making in pastoral ministry and how this practice reflects the wisdom of God, even if not always the concerns of modern religious sensibilities.