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Sam Bierig

Sam Bierig serves as the Dean of Spurgeon College at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from Ouachita Baptist University, received his Masters of Divinity from Southern Seminary, and recently completed his PhD studies in Biblical Theology at Midwestern Seminary. Sam pastored in Arkansas for six years and is currently a member at Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, Missouri. Sam is married to Mallory and they have four children. You can follow him on Twitter @ecclesiologian.

Aug 18

3 Bewares for Returning Short-Term Summer Missionaries by Sam Bierig

God doesn’t only care for those overseas, after all, for there is no such thing as “overseas” to Him. All seas, souls, and lands are His, and He cares greatly for all peoples.

Sep 21

Ten Truths About a Liar by Sam Bierig

Is Satan capable of inception? Does he whisper temptations in our ear? Is Satan’s authority, power, and relationship to unbelievers the same or different from Christians? These are all valid and, frankly, somewhat haunting questions. I am not left emotionally unmoved by the many destroyed marriages and ministries around me Satan has devoured. I trust […]

Aug 3

Sam Bierig on Why Wise Speech is Vital in Today’s Culture by Sam Bierig

FTC.co asks Sam Bierig, dean and assistant professor of Christian theology at Spurgeon College, “Why is wise speech vital in today’s culture?”

Jul 21

Sam Bierig on Common Mistakes When Reading Proverbs by Sam Bierig

FTC.co asks Sam Bierig, Dean and Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at Spurgeon College, “What is a common mistake Christians make when reading the book of Proverbs?”

Apr 13

Sam Bierig on the Most Important Ingredient in Student Ministry by Sam Bierig

Series: Conversations

FTC.co asks Sam Bierig, Dean and Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at Spurgeon College, "What is the most important ingredient to student ministry?"

Jan 29

10 Reasons to Read Strachan’s Reenchanting Humanity by Sam Bierig

Is Strachan right to claim that anthropology is the major issue of our time? He is. There is no more pressing issue for the Church of Jesus Christ.

Jan 24

A Student Ministry Manifesto by Sam Bierig

A 10-point manifesto for a healthier Youth Ministry.

Jan 9

Ten Truths about a Liar by Sam Bierig

It is vital that you and I rightly discern and evaluate Satan. He is not to be trifled with nor buffooned, but in Christ, his back was utterly broken on Calvary’s hill.

Oct 31

God’s Wrecking Ball: A Tribute to Luther by Sam Bierig

Luther was God’s wrecking ball. He was God’s appointed servant for such a time as the Protestant Reformation.