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Jul 1

Gospel Implications For Racial Reconciliation by Grace Pike

God’s work throughout redemptive history—namely Christ’s life, death, and resurrection—has definitive implications for the way we should view racial reconciliation.

Dec 5

Reflections on the Death of John Allen Chau by Scott Dunford

Christ’s mandate to go does not give license to recklessness any more than our culture’s disapproval gives permission to disobedience.

Mar 25

The End of Religious Liberty by Jason G. Duesing

Are we seeing the end of religious liberty? For Christians in America, we see the complexities of cultural engagement. Articulating the truths of biblical Christianity regarding sexuality and gender alone, brings conflict or worse. So, it is good and right to be concerned and wonder if the end of religious liberty is near. We also […]

Aug 31

How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Step 10––Biblical Theology by Jason DeRouchie

Series: How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament

Once you have established your text, made accurate observations, and discerned your passage’s contexts, it is time to determine your text’s meaning. To do this, it is critical to understand biblical theology, the discipline that considers how the whole Bible progresses, integrates, and climaxes in Jesus.

Mar 2

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as a Gift (Part 1) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

Christians believe that everything in our lives come to us from the hand of God, including the things we don’t want. So, if we have singleness when what we actually desire is marriage, we have a trial – a particular kind of gift.

Jan 14

Spurgeon, Atonement, and Your Life in Christ by Aaron Lumpkin

Spurgeon knew that the power of the cross of Christ led the people of God to be on mission for God.

Oct 22

Secularized Pluralism: A New Opportunity for Christian Witness? by Kyle Brosseau

Whether our society tells us to keep our religious convictions to ourselves or invites us to showcase our beliefs on the open market, we still have the same commission we have always had.

Sep 16

God Is Not Silent About Rape by Katie McCoy

The severity of sexual assault in God’s Law compels us to hear, protect, and defend the dignity of every woman, especially the one who breaks her silence about rape.

Aug 26

How Hamilton Can Help Us Preach Better Sermons by Caleb Brasher

Preacher, take some extra time and work to compress your sermons.

Feb 1

5 Relationships to Cultivate As You Foster or Adopt (Part 4) by Todd Chipman

Whatever the circumstances, potential foster or adoptive couples should court their parents and patiently give them a vision for multigenerational influence. 
