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Jan 2

In Defense of Youth Ministry by Joshua Rowland

Today’s youth thirst for discipleship, not gimmicks. In eternity past, God ordained the local church as the chosen vessel to quench that thirst.

May 9

Getting to the Glory: An Excerpt from The Storied Life by Jared C. Wilson

The sportswriter Red Smith was once asked if writing a daily column was difficult. “Why, no,” Smith replied. “You simply sit down at the typewriter, open your veins, and bleed.”[1] Admittedly, Smith’s observation is a little overwrought. But only a little. There is a way to write that costs the writer very little. And then […]

Apr 25

The Mission of God by Joe Allen

Mission is all about God. At Midwestern, we emphasize the study of who God is (theology) and what God does (mission). Good theology is crucial to missiology because the mission begins and ends with God.[1] The one true God has one unified mission, and each person of the Triune God distinctively carries out this mission […]

Apr 23

Unsearchable Riches: 100 Facets to the Diamond of Christ by Dane Ortlund

He is inexhaustible. Unsearchably rich (Eph 3:8). Bottomless. We receive him, thinking he’s a pond, only to discover over time he’s an ocean. In him there is surprise after surprise. Endless discovery. Startling wonders around each bend. He’s ruling and reigning over the entire cosmos such that the top headline of both FoxNews and CNN […]

Nov 8

08: The Christian’s Connection to Old Testament Promises by Jason DeRouchie

Series: Delighting in the Old Testament: Through Christ and For Christ

“Heirs according to Promise” (Gal 3:29) Paul claims, “All the promises of God find their Yes in [Jesus]” (2 Cor 1:20), but is he referring only to NT promises or OT promises as well? After citing a list of OT promises later in the epistle (6:16–18), he urges the Corinthians to pursue holiness “since we […]

Jul 13

Small Groups and Church Planting by Jeremy Linneman

In church planting contexts, community groups can be the best way to reach the unchurched, build strong community, and identify future leaders. Over the past fifteen years, I have had the privilege of leading community groups in four new congregations, including the one I now serve as lead pastor (Trinity Community Church in Columbia, MO). […]

Jul 3

What Makes Baptist Political Theology? by Thomas Kidd

The distinctive Baptist contribution to political theology is the doctrine of religious freedom and disestablishment. You will find some mention of religious freedom in almost every chapter of this book. But why? And what does religious freedom mean for the whole body of political theology? Is it the only thing we have to say about […]

Jun 8

How Small Groups Can Embrace Word and Prayer by Jeremy Linneman

When Jesus spoke, people listened. He didn’t come to put an end to the Old Testament law but instead to “fulfill” it—to bring it to completion and fullness by rooting God’s ways in the hearts of God’s people. In our community groups, we can encourage one another in a number of spiritual rhythms—Bible study, confession, […]

Jun 6

Interpretations of the Reformation by Matthew Barrett

Editor’s Note: Taken from The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church by Matthew Barrett. Copyright 2023 by Zondervan Academic. Used by permission of Zondervan. The book is now available for purchase anywhere books are sold. Over the last century, the Reformation’s self-confessed identity (catholicity) has not always been appreciated […]

Nov 18

Fulfill Your Ministry: An Installation Charge by Brandon Freeman

Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to deliver an installation charge. The charge was aimed at reminding the elders of their role as shepherds, exhorting the elders (and the church) to fulfill their calling, and encouraging the elders with the grandeur of the office.
