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Sep 20

How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament–Step 11: Systematic Theology by Jason DeRouchie

Series: How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament

In the interpretive process, the stage considering Systematic Theology is asking more specifically, “How does our passage theologically cohere with the whole Bible?” Or, “How does our passage contribute to our understanding of certain doctrines?”

Jun 1

I’m a Stay-at-Home Mom and I Decided to Go to Seminary by Haylee Williams

What good is a seminary degree for a mom? In answering that question, I have five reasons why I decided to go to seminary. 

Apr 28

Recovering the Exclusivity of the Gospel by Jason K. Allen

By exclusivity of the gospel, we mean that only those who personally, consciously, explicitly, and singularly confess Jesus Christ as Lord can possess eternal life. Let’s consider these qualifiers more closely.

Apr 27

7 Tips for Social Media Stewardship by Grace Pike

The way we use social media communicates what we think about ourselves, others, and God. Let’s steward it wisely.

Mar 25

Body Image and a Better Understanding of Beauty by Grace Pike

When our hearts believe the lie that there is something more beautiful and more valuable than Jesus Christ, our lives will reflect our rejection of that truth.

Mar 16

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as Loss (Part 3) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

We should allow ourselves to lament the loss that comes with unwanted singleness. Lament is the way God has designed for us to process pain, and lament is also a doorway to wisdom.

Feb 9

High Schoolers Can Be Church Members, Too by Taylor Cain

Fellow student pastors and ministers, charge your high school students to commit themselves to the local church now.

Dec 15

Loving Even the Cantankerous by Jim Elliff

First of all, love is the highest mark of maturity. Therefore, not loving the other members of the church is a sign of our immaturity.

Dec 9

Calling Out the Called: Joining the Work of International Missions by Paul Chitwood

We all have a part of the mission. You can be a light in the darkness.

Aug 10

The Force, the Spirit, and Romans 8 by Drake Burrows

I’ve got a confession: I often view the Holy Spirit as nothing but a useful tool. This thought dawned on me as my wife and I sat down to watch through the Star Wars Saga (wife’s first time, my second). The Force Anyone who knows anything about Star Wars has likely encountered talk of the […]
