All FTCW19 Plenary Sessions Now Available

All 2019 For The Church Women's Pre-Conference plenary sessions are now available to view. If you missed FTCW this year, or if you want to hear one of these great talks again, check them out below. 

The Mission of Motherhood: Karen Allen

Engaging Culture When We Disagree: Trillia Newbell

What is a Christian Woman?: Abigail Dodds

Women and Vocational Ministry: Christine Hoover

Enter to Win the Puritan Paperbacks This July!

Charles Spurgeon once said, “By all means read the Puritans, they are worth more than all the modern stuff put together.”

The Puritans offer their readers a comprehensive, gospel-centered view of the Christian life where all of Christ matters for all of life. In recent years, Banner of Truth has published a 49-volume set called the Puritan Paperbacks where Christians today can glean from the Puritans of the past.

During the month of July, we’re giving away the entire 49-volume Puritan Paperback series for free to one providentially favored participant who enters. Enter today for your chance to win!