Links For The Church (11/18)

by Staff November 18, 2019

Speak the Truth in Your Heart

Our hearts are able to either lead us into temptation, or they can be filled with the knowledge of God. Thomas Brewer shares about why we should speak truth in our hearts as often as possible.

Hope For The Girl With A Sexual Past

Brittany Allen writes about how women (and men) with a sexual past can look to the gospel for hope and comfort for their past sins. She shares truth from God's word that encourages those who struggle with this.

10 Hymns Youth Groups Should Sing

Joe Deegan recommends 10 hymns that are accessible for teenagers and allow them to sing hymns they can actually understand.

God’s Got This: Mothering as a First-Generation Christian

"Regardless of whether the pages of our Bible are still stuck-together and full of new Bible smell, or if we inherited our great-grandmother’s tattered and torn, highlighted Bible, we can parent and pass on the gospel by his vast strength!" – Kay Fuller

How does God's Word impact our prayers?

God invites His children to talk with Him, yet our prayers often become repetitive and stale. How do we have a real conversation with God? How do we come to know Him so that we may pray for His will as our own?

In the Bible, God speaks to us as His children and gives us words for prayer—to praise Him, confess our sins, and request His help in our lives.

We’re giving away a free eBook copy of Praying the Bible, where Donald S. Whitney offers practical insight to help Christians talk to God with the words of Scripture.