What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Links For The Church (11/7)

by Staff November 6, 2016

The Gift of Being Limited

What's the point of tiredness and exhaustion? Christine Hoover takes us through a day where she felt the extent of her limitedness, and the comfort of God's unending goodness. 

Songwriting for the Local Church

Nathan Chapman explains why his church encourages his worship leaders to write original songs. Doing this allows creativity to flow, the church's specific life and culture to be encouraged, and growth to occur. 

Six Ways You Can Pray for Your Country

With the election staring us in the face, the church needs to enter into prayer more than ever. These six prayers help Christians wholistically pray for America.

The Problem of Evil is a Problem of Everyone

"We are able to affirm both the chilling darkness and the aching beauty of the world. And beyond that, in the empty tomb we have hope that one day evil will be put down forever, and every crooked line made straight."

How Healthy is the Women's Ministry in Your Church?

These six questions posed by Melissa Kruger help with the process of analyzing how women are being equipped and encouraged in the church.