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Links For the Church (12/20)

by Staff December 20, 2021

When the Soul Feels Its Worth

“Christmas declares that our souls have worth – the greatest worth – and that we have been seen. Noticed. Wanted. Loved.”

Sin, Sorrow, and the Joy of Christmas

“If this Christmas season is passing you by, and the thoughts of your Savior have not yet moved you to worship, may the meditation of our great God and his gospel invigorate our sin-embattled hearts and produce once again the childlike wonder of the Christmas season.”

Tis the Season for Regret?

“Christmas is often filled with regret, especially when we compare the Hallmark ideal with the realities of life in a broken world. It shines a bright light on pasts that are often filled with trauma, the gaping wounds where love once was or should’ve been, and the hardships nibbling at us in the present.”

Bethlehem: Little Town, Big Significance

“But even as frazzled, self-focused, world-enthralled people rush right past the Lamb of God born in Bethlehem for us, we remember the angels who sang, the shepherds who came, and the wise men who knelt before the Lamb of God, the Shepherd-King, the Bread of Life.”

Marvel’s Universe, TikTok Timeline Shifters, and the Kingdom of God

“Modern people live in a disenchanted world, where the universe is reducible to meaningless, material stuff. You do not find yourself by looking outside yourself, but rather by looking inside. This me-centered universe promises freedom—you can finally self-define, self-discover and self-express—but only delivers anxiety because the possibilities of selfhood are endless. Without a creator God to define me, how do I know the right me to become? And what if I choose wrong?”