Links For The Church (4/17)

by Staff April 16, 2017

You Are Not Your Pain

"But when we look up from our visible, temporary circumstances to our invisible, eternal Creator, we see who we were truly created to be in relation to him. And we are not our pain."

In He Is Me

In this piece by Matt Neidig, the beauty of union with Christ is displayed. His story of how God refreshed his heart can encourage those who struggle to believe, "God loves you."

When Dying Feels Like Death

Amy Gannett describes the pain of taking up your cross and following Jesus. The old parts of us that need to die are not easy to bury, but submission to God makes it possible.

Students & A Lifetime of Global Engagement

Students need to be discipled in the biblical truth of global engagement. Stefani Varner shares twelve ways to equip young people to heed the Great Commission. 

What is the Historical Evidence That Jesus Lived and Died?

This simple, informative piece by Simon Gathercole gives a series of answers to the most prominent questions about Jesus' life and death. It is especially helpful as an introduction to historical proof of Jesus. 

Enter to Win the Puritan Paperbacks This July!

Charles Spurgeon once said, “By all means read the Puritans, they are worth more than all the modern stuff put together.”

The Puritans offer their readers a comprehensive, gospel-centered view of the Christian life where all of Christ matters for all of life. In recent years, Banner of Truth has published a 49-volume set called the Puritan Paperbacks where Christians today can glean from the Puritans of the past.

During the month of July, we’re giving away the entire 49-volume Puritan Paperback series for free to one providentially favored participant who enters. Enter today for your chance to win!