Four Ways Husbands Should Lead
By walking through Genesis 2, J.D. Greear explains why and how husbands should lead their families. Greear reminds the reader that Ephesians 5 is usually what people read for husband-leadership, but this must be read through the lens of Adam's life.
The Number One Reason Missionaries Leave the Field
The common reasons one might assume a missionary leaves the field are debunked in this piece by Paul Akin. If the team of believers working towards the same goal experiences conflict, missionaries are tempted to quit. Instead of simply declaring the issues, Akin provides helpful ways for this tragedy to be avoided.
When someone calls out a brother in sin, how does that person respond? Gavin Ortlund gives two possible responses and encourages the believer to die to himself and look to Jesus.
For Those Wearied by Anti-Racism Work
"Your subjective feeling: God is against me. The objective reality: God does not afflict from his heart or grieve the children of men. Does he allow us to feel grief? Absolutely. Does he even call us to enter spaces where grief is inevitable? Yes."
Are we the point of the worship service? "No" may be the resounding answer, but Stephen Miller challenges us to point our cameras up toward God instead of flipped toward ourselves.