3 Questions to Ask Before Considering Long-term Missions
The desire to go to the mission field long-term is a good one. There is much to be commended in someone who thinks they have been called. David Sills at Southern Seminary gives three questions to help others discern whether or not they should pursue long-term missions.
Struck Down, But Not Destroyed
"Sometimes we are hit with such force that we are knocked down. Life takes a hard tilt, and the effect is tantamount to being thrown face down to the ground. The circumstance is devastating, the pain excruciating. Try as we might, in that moment it is difficult to grab hold of any semblance of joy or hope."
Paul Maxwell reframes the Christian understanding of 'man-boys' in a more balanced approach. He states, "Women don’t need men who have lost their childlikeness. And they don’t need men who are stuck in their childishness."
The Struggle of Rejoicing With Those Who Rejoice
How, when we are in want, do we truly rejoice we others? Betsy Childs Howard brings a truthful word to those who are uncertain about how to rejoice for others within the church.