Most Read Articles of 2019

by Ronni Kurtz December 13, 2019

As the last few weeks of the year bring a closing to the chapter that is 2019, we have much to be grateful for here at For the Church. We are first and foremost grateful for our faithful readers and contributors. For the Church exist to engage, encourage, and equip the Church with gospel-centered resources that are pastoral, practical, and devotional and we pray that is what has transpired in 2019 and will be our aim for 2020.

2019 also saw For the Church’s largest readership. In record-breaking numbers, readers came to the site and faithfully engaged the content. We rejoice over this, not for the sake of numbers, but for the reality that in order for our mission to abound, readers and engagers must abound.

As the dust settles on a great year, here are some of the most read articles in 2019:

The One Life Dream That Makes a Girl Blush by Andrea Burke

"But the souls that move in bodies in and around my home? They are a legacy and an investment that I do not ever regret giving it all for. When I’m weary and feeling empty, when my life goals feel lifetimes away and my body isn’t the one I hoped I’d have, I can promise you that I wouldn’t give them up for a thousand trips around the world, a perfect waistline, or a name linked to fame."


You Need to Be Inconvenienced for Your Church by Tyler Green

"For the sake of greater satisfaction in Jesus, let's stop orienting His church to our lives, and begin orienting our lives to His church. When that happens, we'll no longer be treating the church like a commodity that is subject to our convenience. Instead, we'll be delighting in it as the precious bride for which Christ laid down his life."


Was George Whitefield a Christian? Dealing with the Tainted Legacy of American History’s Greatest Preacher by Jared C. Wilson

"We gain nothing from lionizing our historical heroes and we lose nothing by being transparent about their besetting sins. Why? Because the Christian faith and the Church it has birthed are not built on the foundation of any man but Jesus Christ. The gates of hell can prevail against any of our legacies. But nothing prevails against Christ."


Sexual Abuse in Student Ministry by Micah Hayes

"Churches hire youth pastors because they want to reach and disciple the next generation. This is a good and right desire. But we must also desire to do whatever it takes to protect the vulnerable among us. It’s time to raise the bar in student ministry."


10 Things to Know About Ministry Among the Poor by Mez McConnell

"So let's get on with it. Nobody of note that ever accomplished anything for the kingdom did it without facing a cauldron of opposition and misunderstanding. Nobody is going to thank us for it. Nobody is going to hand out prizes. Let's move."


Why Christian Movies Are So Terrible by Jared C. Wilson

"Last month, while out at the movies, my wife and I happened to see trailers for two new movies produced by and for the Christian market — "faith-based films" they call them these days. Both trailers distilled their respective stories down to about 3 minutes of earnest dialogue snippets, tear-streamed dramatic moments, and inspirational footage of sports (basketball in one, track in the other). Throughout both trailers — which we saw on two different days before two different movies — the audience was audibly laughing. I was cringing."


Community is a Costly Business by David McLemore

"What could God do if we chose to reach out beyond social media to the real persons behind the avatars? It would be costlier, yes, but it would be more beautiful and more satisfying. And, in the end, it may be the thing that God uses to bring revival."


Why Women Are Critical to the Mission of the Church by Katie McCoy

"Now, to clarify, this is not at all to devalue or downplay the priority of the preached Word or the high calling and responsibility of a pastor. Not in the least. Yet, like all other spiritual gifts, the role of a pastor is only one (albeit vital) part of the body of Christ, and it is a calling given to a relatively few number of Christian men. The church’s mission, on the other hand, is the task of every member of Christ’s body, and it is carried out not only during corporate worship on Sunday, but at all times."

Once again, thank you to all our readers in 2019. We are closing the year with grateful hearts and eagerly anticipating another year of serving the Church with gospel-centered resources. Be on the lookout at the turn of the new year as we are planning for a few new initiatives in hopes of glorifying God and edifying his people. 

How does God's Word impact our prayers?

God invites His children to talk with Him, yet our prayers often become repetitive and stale. How do we have a real conversation with God? How do we come to know Him so that we may pray for His will as our own?

In the Bible, God speaks to us as His children and gives us words for prayer—to praise Him, confess our sins, and request His help in our lives.

We’re giving away a free eBook copy of Praying the Bible, where Donald S. Whitney offers practical insight to help Christians talk to God with the words of Scripture.