The Gospel and Social Media Part 4

by Ronni Kurtz February 8, 2017

There are few things more frustrating than to have someone point out a problem and fail to present any sort of solution. Therefore, as we come to the end of this four-part Gospel and Social Media series, I wanted to present a few helpful questions that can aid in a gospel-centered filter for social media use. The questions will be divided into two different sections. The first will be overall questions to assess your social-media presence as whole. The second will be specific questions to think through before posting individual posts. Obviously, it would be overboard to think through each of these questions with every status update. Yet, thinking through these questions often can help identify your stream as a gospel-filled well your followers should drink from often or a gospel-less pit followers should avoid.

Questions to consider for overall social-media presence:

1. Does my social media presence seem to concern itself more with God’s glory or my own?

2. Would the majority of things I post still be true if Jesus never went to the cross?

3. Overall, will my followers be more encouraged to revel in the gospel and treasure Jesus because of my social media usage? If not, what would their primary take away be?

4. Does my self-validation come from any aspect of social media usage?

5. What does my social media usage communicate about the Kingdom of God to any non-believers that follows me?

6. Do the words I use in this virtual society validate or discredit the gospel I proclaim in the actual society?

7. Does social media enhance or take away from my joy in Jesus?

Questions to consider for individual posts:

1. Will this post build up my brothers and sisters or tear them down?

2. Does this response or post treat those I’m engaging as gifts – created in God’s image – worthy of love and respect? Or am I more concerned with being correct, or seen as correct publicly, than the soul of the other party.

3. Is what I’m saying untrue, over-simplified, over-exaggerated or unhelpful in any way? (With this you should ask if any article you are sharing is from validated sources and isn’t a gross oversimplification of the issue.)

4. Is this post primarily targeted at selfish gain?

5. Do I feel motivated to post this particular post because I’m trying to gain the attention of someone in an unhealthy way? Is my primary purpose to gain either a platform or an audience?

6. Is this post fishing for social validation through social media? Am I posting this so others will notice me or feel the need to compliment me?

7. Does this post make liight of a serious situation or a group of people in any way?

8. Does this post reflect well on my Church? Would my fellow members be embarrassed because of this post?

Christian, the gospel should find its way into every corner of your existence. Your marriage, finances, family, passions, vocation, hobbies, eating, thinking, and everything else about you should give off the precious aroma of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Don’t allow social media to be the exception to this vital truth. Lay your timelines, newsfeeds, stories, and posts out and see to it that they take a cross shaped pattern. In eternity, we will proclaim the wonders of Jesus Christ and rest in the freedom of the gospel forever – let’s partake in that glorious task today in our social media use. 

This is part four of a four-part series. You can read previous parts here: 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

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