
Jun 21

Motherhood: An Unassuming Currency by Janae Zook

Motherhood is often the sipping of lukewarm coffee. It’s the crunch of Cheerios underfoot. It’s washing dishes and waking to wash dishes…again. Mothering leaves us exhausted. We work around the clock, and the laundry is still half-folded. When we’ve left careers, trade promotions, and external achievements for more time at home, this discouragement is compounded […]

Mar 20

Episode 255: Raising Kids Who Love the Church by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Some estimates put the adult church dropout rate for kids raised going to church within evangelicalism at 70%! How do we help our kids love the church? On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson have a conversation about influencing our kids to grow up into adults who are committed to the family of God.

Dec 6

Through Agony, Comes Forth Life: How Childbirth Points Us To The Hope Found in Christ’s Death by Haylee Williams

A few weeks ago, I was reading through the Gospel of Mark and came upon the narrative of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. As I read the words of Jesus “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will,” I felt […]

Nov 20

Am I A Good Mom? by Haylee Williams

I feel like such a failure. Growing up, I became accustomed to objective standards of success defining whether or not I had succeeded. An ‘A+’ signifies a job well done. A winning record in my collegiate sport proves my hard work. Even in marriage, a “Great job!” from my husband means I am accomplishing my […]

Sep 7

Episode 176: Raising Kids Who Love Jesus by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the discipleship of children, from family worship tips to church engagement and beyond.

Oct 8

Dads, Shepherding Sons in the In-Between Times by David Prince

The goal is to create a culture where the transition from childhood to adulthood is marked is by intentional action and not by apathy.

Aug 16

Reflections from Week One of an Empty Nest by Jared C. Wilson

It’s the first Monday of the rest of our lives.

May 6

A Collection of Mother’s Day Blessings by Marc Goodwin

On this Mother’s Day, my hope is that these words can be used by God to “lift the countenance” of my sisters in the Lord who find themselves in various stations and situations of life.

Mar 3

Mothering In The Midst of Failure by Liz Wann

We can parent in the midst of failures knowing we are fully known by God and accepted fully through Christ.

Jan 26

Family Discipleship: A Book Review by Collin Campbell

Series: Book Reviews

You don’t have to add thirty different events to your calendar to disciple your children, you just need to take advantage of time, moments, and milestones that you already have.