Preaching Christ for Conversions
Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection
Editor’s note: This extract is taken from The Soul-Winning Church: Six Keys to Fostering a Genuine Evangelistic Culture by Doug Logan, Jr. and J.A. Medders, published by The Good Book Company, and is used by kind permission. www.thegoodbook.com We know salvation belongs to the Lord and that the Spirit moves where he wishes. Yet there […]

Episode 282: Mixing it Up on Preaching
This week on the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson a three-week mini-series, drawing out the usual podcast banter to specific subjects. No agenda; no plan. Just a free-form conversation — this week, on preaching. What is it? What should sermons do? What were the guys’ first sermons like? How have they grown over the years? What are some things beginning preachers should keep in mind? All that and more in this episode of “mixing it up.”

What Preachers Can Learn from Spurgeon’s Sermons
Editor’s Note: This article is taken from the foreword to C. H. Spurgeon’s Sermons: Revival Years – New Park Street Pulpit 1855–1860. Used by permission of Reformation Heritage Books. This collection is now available for purchase. __________ My hope is that every gospel minister will have in his personal library his own complete set of Charles […]

Three Ingredients for Faithful Preaching
Faithful preaching has three primary ingredients. Creativity and homiletical polish are helpful, but the key ingredients of faithful preaching are preset and established by God. The three ingredients touch on who is qualified to preach, why one should preach, and what one should preach. Who May Preach? Though the gospel call is promiscuous, the call […]

Preach, Preach, Preach Everywhere
Editor’s Note: Excerpted with permission from Preaching: A Sermon Collection by Charles H. Spurgeon, edited by Jason K. Allen. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. Preach, Preach, Preach Everywhere[1] “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He […]

Episode 263: Humor in the Pulpit
On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the place of humor in preaching. Should it ever be used? If so, how? What are some things to do and *not* do?

Gospel-Centered Preaching
While attending Heriot Watt University I took a public speaking class. The course led students to produce and effectively deliver a public speech on any given subject. A well-crafted and excellently delivered speech can certainly produce results; at the very least an applause would be warranted. Although a response is given it is usually short […]

Episode 250: Grab Bag!
It turns out the Grab Bag concept was a hit! Y’all liked the first episode with this concept so much, we’re going to make it a regular feature on the program. In the Grab Bag episodes, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson each bring 2 surprise topics or questions for the other to answer.

Episode 247: FTC Mailbag
A new mailbag installment is here! A couple good questions on preaching, whether it’s ever permissible to “sprinke” rather than immerse, what to do with an unqualified elder team, how important is it to know the biblical languages?, moving a church away from a senior pastor model, and more.

Henry the Baptist Came Preaching: Henry and Baptist Political Theology
Was there anything distinctively Baptist about Henry’s political thought? The answer is yes, and it is focused on the first freedom: religious liberty. Carl F. H. Henry was a Baptist. That might seem like an unnecessary remark in a volume devoted to Baptist political theology, but with Henry it is a point worth making. During […]