
Apr 20

Even Tolkien Felt Like a Failure by Scott Sauls

If only Tolkien had known then what we know now about his “unsuccessful” work. And if only we knew now what we will one day know about our own work and how it fits into God’s overall plan to save and heal the world.

Sep 2

The Dignity of Every Kind of Work by Scott Sauls

Series: Beholding and Becoming

Any kind of work that leaves people, places, or things in better shape than before—any kind of work that helps the city of man become more like the City of God where truth, beauty, goodness, order, and justice reign—is work that should be celebrated as good.

Jul 6

When Work Gets Wearisome by Scott Sauls

If Jesus, who will one day resolve every groan in his good creation, was subject to the groan, shouldn’t we expect to be also?

Jul 30

When I’m Not Productive, I’m Loved Anyway by David McLemore

When we don’t feel productive, the work we should look to and be comforted by is the work done by Jesus.

Jul 9

Links For The Church (7/09) by Staff

This week's links include resources on leading leaders, Bonhoeffer and spiritual disciplines, when God isn't there, and spiritual gifts. 

Jun 14

The Gospel And Your Work by Jason K. Allen

God has indeed made us, by gifting and by calling, for certain tasks.

May 31

Ministering to Coworkers by Nathan Johnson

Consider the fact that God is shaping you and growing you as a person through your occupation.

Apr 17

Be Countercultural and Enjoy Your Work by Russell L. Meek

The work-life God set forth is a life of purposeful work of imaging God in our shepherding of his creation.

Apr 24

Ordinary is Big Enough in God�s Eyes by Courtney Reissig

We are living in a time when being ordinary is the worst thing that can happen to a person, and nothing screams ordinary like at-home work.

Apr 24

Ordinary is Big Enough in God’s Eyes by Courtney Reissig

We are living in a time when being ordinary is the worst thing that can happen to a person, and nothing screams ordinary like at-home work.