What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Kristen Wetherell

Kristen Wetherell is a writer, Bible teacher, and the content manager of Unlocking the Bible. Her writing has been published on TGC, Crosswalk, and iBelieve and featured at Challies.com. She is married to Brad, loves traveling, and writes music in her spare time. Connect with Kristen at her website or on Twitter @KLWetherell.

Jun 2

Episode 085: Kristen Wetherell on Fighting Your Fears by Jared C. Wilson and Kristen Wetherell

On this episode of the For The Church Podcast, Jared Wilson talks with author Kristen Wetherell about her new book Fight Your Fears and how the gospel helps us in the daily battle to stand firm.

May 17

A Better Mom is a Broken Mom by Kristen Wetherell

Apart from a broken spirit that sees how much we need Christ first and foremost, these betterments are futile.

May 3

4 Creative Ways to be Generous by Kristen Wetherell

God’s infinite grace fuels generosity, which fuels the glorification of God and his gospel.

Apr 5

The God Who Heals by Kristen Wetherell

Does Jesus want to heal you? In this lifetime, it’s possible he does. 

Feb 13

Do Not Regard God’s Discipline Lightly by Kristen Wetherell

When circumstances are running smoothly and our own plans are being fulfilled, it is easy to forget the Lord and all he has done in the gospel.

Jan 17

You Don’t Want What You Actually Deserve by Kristen Wetherell

To think rightly about what we deserve, we must start with God. Our flesh wants to make everything about us, as if the world revolves around humans, but creation tells a different tale.

Dec 20

How Churches Can Help Women Study God’s Word by Kristen Wetherell

For many churches, a lack of equipping their women to love and study Scripture is a result of a lack of conviction about Scripture itself.​

Dec 4

Parents, Your Tiredness is an Opportunity by Kristen Wetherell

Parents, when you’re so tired you can barely function, consider this a chance to enjoy the privilege of friendship, family, and fellowship in the body of Christ.

Nov 14

God Knows When You Don’t by Kristen Wetherell

Though we don’t deserve to be heard, God chooses to hear and acknowledge repentant sinners who struggle with unfaithfulness and wander from him.

Oct 29

How To Persevere When You Are Weary In Serving by Kristen Wetherell

Willing submission to God’s plan, even when it looks different than ours, actually produces the fruit of patience and peace within us.