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Can I Tell You About My Friend Jesus?

by Jared C. Wilson March 30, 2015

Once upon a time I began a series of tweets over several days reflecting on my friendship with Jesus. The response was heartwarming, as many seemed to indicate they found the updates helpful and encouraging. Somebody suggested I write a book on the subject, but I hope you will settle for a blog post. Here are the tweets about my friend Jesus. I hope he is your friend too.

I love my friend Jesus because he knows everything I've ever thought and still doesn't cross the street to avoid me when he sees me coming.

I love my friend Jesus because the blood of his sacrifice speaks a better word than the sweat of my effort, and he shouts it triumphantly.

I love my friend Jesus because he chased after me when I ran away and he didn't stop til I was found and tackled.

My friend Jesus? He's a storm-hushing, tomb-busting, dragon-crushing brother.

I love my friend Jesus because he took my death, even though he had plenty of time to think it over and every reason to say no.

I love my friend Jesus because he's never left me and won't ever leave me, even when I'm most leave-able.

I love my friend Jesus because even when he's laughing at me, he's laughing with me. There is no guile in him, no mockery.

I love my friend Jesus because even when he calls me on my bull he doesn't nag or shame me.

I love my friend Jesus because he never checks his watch while I'm talking to him.

I love my friend Jesus because he never brings up my old stuff.

I love my friend Jesus because, while the crowd gathers with their stones on that side, he stands on this side of the line with me.

I love my friend Jesus because he keeps the devil on a leash like a dog but will throw him into the lake of fire like he's a cat. #dogperson

I love my friend Jesus because he doesn't nitpick.

I love my friend Jesus because he never leaves me behind.

I love my friend Jesus because he waits unhurried with me.

I love my friend Jesus because when I enter the room, he doesn't shake his head & mutter "This guy" but smiles and shouts "This guy!"

I love my friend Jesus because, though he has every right to be, he is nevertheless not ashamed to call me his brother.

I love my friend Jesus because he doesn't "get upset" with me.

I love my friend Jesus because he is forgiver, healer, conqueror, king, God.

I love my friend Jesus because he uses the dirt of my sermons to open blind eyes. What a powerful, gracious friend.

I love my friend Jesus because he doesn't just erase the records against me, he burns the record book and scatters the ashes to nothing.

I love my friend Jesus because when he sees me shuffling in, tail between my legs, he runs to meet me in welcome.

I love my friend Jesus because he doesn't pass on false reports about me but is glad to be my eternal advocate.

I love my friend Jesus because he upholds the universe by the word of his power. I am in good with the boss of existence.

I love my friend Jesus because he just straight-up—no hesitations, no qualifications, no ifs ands or buts—loves me.

I love my friend Jesus because while many give me trouble, he gives me rest.

I love my friend Jesus because when all around my soul gives way, he is all my hope and stay.

I love my friend Jesus because he always lives to intercede for me.

I love my friend Jesus because I can just be myself with him.

I love my friend Jesus because he is infinitely rich with grace and a big spender.

I love my friend Jesus because he makes me feel like a conqueror but he does it without feeding my ego.