“This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” (1 Corinthians 11:24 ESV)

Consider the shipping container of significance in the eternal Son of God saying, "This is my body which is for you." What should we remember about him and his body? And what should we remember about his body being for us as we eat the bread at his table?

First, Jesus didn't always have a body. He took on one in Mary's womb, and he did it so he could save us from our sins (Heb. 10:10).

He took on lungs, knee caps, skin, a nervous system, and blood vessels for you. 

He lived a sinless, completely perfect, God-pleasing life in the body for you. 

His body got ripped apart, tortured, nailed to a torture device—crucified—for you.

His body went cold, his organs shut down, heart stopped pumping, and his body became a corpse for you.

His body was buried in a borrowed tomb for you.

His body kicked back on, on Easter Sunday, by his own authority, for you. He rose from the dead for you.

His body, organs on, heart pumping, sits on a throne of grace at the Father’s right hand for you.

His body, his blood, Jesus himself is still for you. He died in your place, for your sins. He rose from the dead for you, he lives for you, he reigns for you, and he’s returning for you.

This is what he means when he says, “This is my body, for you.”

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Charles Spurgeon once said, “By all means read the Puritans, they are worth more than all the modern stuff put together.”

The Puritans offer their readers a comprehensive, gospel-centered view of the Christian life where all of Christ matters for all of life. In recent years, Banner of Truth has published a 49-volume set called the Puritan Paperbacks where Christians today can glean from the Puritans of the past.

During the month of July, we’re giving away the entire 49-volume Puritan Paperback series for free to one providentially favored participant who enters. Enter today for your chance to win!