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Marriage is What is Best For Us

by Casey Lewis March 30, 2015

It's no mystery our culture doesn't think much of the institution of marriage, and that many of our cultural elites despise it.

Dr. Keith Ablow from the Fox News Medical A-Team thinks marriage is “a source of real suffering for the vast majority of married people.” He bases that off his own observations as a psychiatrist, where he sees the vast majority of marriages ending in divorce with the couple hating each others.

Popular actress Cameron Diaz, recently said that she doesn't "think we should live our lives in relationships based off old traditions that don't suit our world any longer.”

While those are just two voices from popular culture, they represent what a large majority of people thinks of the institution of marriage. But God hasn't designed marriage to be an insufferable institution. Marriage is given to us as a gift.

After God places Adam in the garden of Eden, He discovers he is alone. And in Genesis 2:18,

“… The Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; [so God says He] will make him a helper fit for him” (Gen. 2:18).

That is exactly what God does. He creates Eve to be Adam's helper. Seeing Eve, Adam is ecstatic, and the first institution of marriage is formed (Gen. 2:19-25).

So from the beginning, marriage was designed to be a help to us. Something we are to look forward to and be excited about, not dread. Something we are to love, not hate. God gives us a helper; He gives us marriage because He wants what is best for us.