How do we parent for a spiritual legacy? If you haven’t already read my previous post on this issue (part 1), you can do so here.
In this post, I want to talk about preparing a culture of discipleship in the home. After all, if you want a spiritual legacy, that means you want to develop your children spiritually. That’s discipleship.
So, let’s look at 4 recommendations to help you create a culture of discipleship in the HOME.
H: Have Devotions
Just Do It. You can do this. It doesn’t have to be long or hard. Keep it simple and find a system you can stick to. Obviously, the age of the children will determine to some extent what this time looks like, but shoot for a 5-10 minute time leading your family to think well of Jesus. Talk about their day and what God is teaching them. Read a passage from the Bible. Talk about how that passage challenges us in our faith. Pray with your children and for your children. Pray for missionaries or read a letter that missionaries have sent you. Memorize a verse together. Watch a youtube praise song and sing together. Get creative.
Dr. Don Whitney has a great resources to help you with having family devotions. If you go to crossway’s website, you can actually sign up to see videos of him teaching on this issue. Additionally, he has written a great book called Family Worship.
O: Openly Talk
Initiate spiritual conversations with your kids. So often, we talk to our kids about grades, homework, sports, biological changes, family situation, but not their spiritual walk with Jesus. Why? Make a habit of intermingling conversations about Christ in the midst of everyday moments. Make it natural. When on a walk or driving to school ask general questions about their spiritual lives and talk about Jesus just as you would anything else. It will be okay.
M: Model Christ
“Do as I say, not as I do!” Have you ever heard that from a parent? Maybe you are that parent. Instead of that approach, we are called to model Christ at all times, whether someone is looking or not. One of the best ways to disciple your child is to live for Christ in front of them. Guard what you watch on tv, phone, and internet. Let them see your love for God and the Bible. Pray in the car on the way to church for you all to learn what God would have for you that day. Witness to your neighbors. Love your spouse. Be present and engaged.
E: Eagerly Serve
Your kids need to see you serving Christ. Live out your faith, not just at home, but at church. Your children need to see that you are serving the cause of Christ and not just talking about him. Show them the joy of serving in a local church and your children will grow up with a greater appreciation of and love for the local church, which is the entity that will help them grow most in their faith.
Have people over to your home and spend time ministering to others in front of them. Let them see you serving in the community. Show them how you realize that Jesus saved you so that you could be on mission for him in making disciples of the nations by making Jesus known.
These 4 recommendations will help you create a culture of discipleship in your HOME.