Let’s be honest: all of us have found ourselves riding personal “hobby horses” or hammering certain sins in our ministry. The temptation is there. Whatever the particular sin or issue, we find ourselves constantly addressing it. Because homosexuality and same-sex marriage have been at the center of the national media this summer, there is a subtle temptation to focus our conversations, our writings, and our sermons on the sin of homosexuality. In our rush to defend the biblical definition of marriage and the biblical view of human sexuality, we become so focused on homosexuality and same-sex marriage that we forget this truth: the gospel is not just for homosexuals.
The Gospel is for Sinners
The gospel is for sinners. This is an incredibly important statement for us to remember, particularly as we consider the recent SCOTUS ruling. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves exclusively connecting the gospel to homosexuality. Every time we mention sin, we include homosexuality. Every time we talk about the cross, we mention Christ's death for homosexuals. Every time we talk about a "dramatic" conversion (as if every conversion is not miraculous), we reference a former homosexual. Unwittingly, we only bring the gospel to bear on homosexuality.
Some may call this good contextualization, but I would call it dangerous. If we do this, we may unintentionally communicate that the gospel is just for homosexuals. The people who read our blogs and listen to our sermons may conclude the gospel is not for them, but for those "huge sinners" engaged in homosexual acts. Or, they may conclude that since they are not practicing homosexuals, they do not need the gospel. But the gospel is not just for homosexuals; the gospel is for sinners. The gospel is for all sinners.
The Gospel is for All Sinners
Yes, gay folks need the gospel, but so do heterosexuals who are engaged in sexual activity outside the God-appointed boundaries of marriage. Chances are you have more people in your congregation struggling with other sexual sins than you do struggling with homosexuality. You have young men and women engaged in sex prior to marriage. You have men and women who are cheating on their spouses and committing adultery. You have men and women who are viewing pornography and filled with lustful thoughts. Every one of those people, struggling with various sexual sins, needs the gospel. They aren’t the only ones who need the gospel, though.
Yes, irreligious and immoral people who disregard the commands of God regarding human sexuality need the gospel, but so do the religious and moral people who are attempting to earn their own salvation. Yes, non-believers need the gospel so they can come to saving faith in Christ, but so do Christians who are pursuing Christlikeness. Our sanctification is connected to the gospel, and we will never grow in Christ without resolving to focus on the gospel. Every one of those groups needs the gospel: the immoral and the moral, the religious and the irreligious, and the unbeliever and the believer. The bottom line: we are all sinners in desperate need of grace and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The gospel is for sinners. Remember this as you write your blog posts, post your comments on social media, and prepare your sermons. Everyone who reads or hears your words needs the gospel. Not just the homosexuals, but the moral, the religious, and the regenerate need the gospel. No, the gospel is not just for homosexuals. The gospel is for sinners. The gospel is for us — every single one of us.