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Church Planting

Feb 21

Episode 251: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this latest Mailbag installment of the For the Church Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson answer your submitted questions and topics. This episode features discussion of: pastoral priorities, church first impressions, thoughts on church “vision,” planting vs. revitalization, tailoring worship songs for generational attraction, how to know if you’re called to ministry, and what “threat” Christian nationalism might pose to the church.

Jul 8

Noah Oldham on Considering Church Planting by Noah Oldham

What are some good questions someone should ask who is considering planting a church? 

Mar 21

Church Planting: Our Will and the Lord’s Will by Sean Nolan

Don’t get tunnel vision on building something great for the Lord and miss out on what he wants to build in and through you.

Jun 25

Jeff Medders On Changes And Church Planting by J.A. Medders

Series: Conversations

What is the one thing you wish you’d done different as a church planter?

Mar 18

The Great Commission Is Guaranteed, So Let’s Get to Work by Dayton Hartman

The central command of the Great Commission is to make disciples. Disciples are made in and through the efforts of the local church.

Jan 20

Episode 102: Spitballing on Church Planting by Jared C. Wilson and Ronni Kurtz

For The Church Podcast Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ronni Kurtz do some “spitballing” on the topic of church planting, sharing some thoughts, concerns, and convictions.

May 21

Jeff Medders on Church Planting by J.A. Medders

Series: Conversations

What is the one thing you wish you'd done different as a church planter?

Dec 17

The Importance of Ecclesiology in Church Planting by Joshua Hedger

How can you plant a church if you don’t actually know what a church is?

Oct 22

Jonathan Leeman on Planting New Churches with Current Church Members by Jonathan Leeman

Series: Conversations

FTC.co asks Jonathan Leeman, Editorial Director at 9Marks and an elder a Cheverly Baptist Church (Cheverly, MD): "I want to plant a church and take current church members with me. What do I do?"

Jun 10

Dean Inserra on First-Year Church Planting by Dean Inserra

Series: Conversations

What is the one thing you would say to the first-year church planter?