What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.



Dec 11

Episode 293: Personal Discipleship by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Have you been discipled? Do you disciple others? In this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson talk about the importance of personal discipleship and share some applicational practice for more fruitful disciple-making.

Jul 31

Episode 274: Congregation Hall of Fame by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson and Ross Ferguson celebrate some of the unsung heroes of congregations around the world. They don’t often get the fanfare or the spotlight, but these faithful member “types” help churches grow and flourish, and they are huge encouragements to their pastors.

Jun 14

What the Christian Does by Charles Spurgeon

Editor’s Note: Excerpted with permission from The Great Commission: A Sermon Collection by Charles H. Spurgeon, edited by Jason K. Allen. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. What the Christian Does[1] I will take it for granted that every believer here wants to be useful. If he […]

May 20

The Indispensable Necessity of Doctrinally Rich Young Adult Ministry by Daniel Bouchoc and Zach Hollifield

I’ve worked within student ministry in some capacity for 12 years. If junior highers smell like body spray and if high schoolers can smell fear, then young adults (YAs) have a nose for inauthenticity. They see right through the smoke machine and lights. They quickly pick up on lack of depth. And they know on […]

Jan 10

Episode 245: Resourcing Your Church by Jared C. Wilson and Jonathan Carswell

On this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared Wilson visits with Jonathan Carswell, CEO of 10 of Those, to talk about the unique ministry of effectively resourcing the church, the state of Christian readership, the importance of physical media, what one thing to look for in a Christian book, and how Christian leaders can better equip their own churches for quality reading.

Jun 27

4 Thoughts on Spiritual Fatherhood by Jared C. Wilson

A spiritual father is not a guru. He doesn’t claim to have all the right answers. He just keeps pointing you to the One who does.

May 11

Why Every Local Church Needs Spiritual Mothers by Jen Foster

Marriage and child-bearing are roles in which the Lord grows women in godliness, displays the gospel, and in which maternal instincts are deepened, but because all women have been created by God with the same physical and sociological traits, all women, whether single or married, have innate, distinct maternal traits.

Apr 22

Mark Dever on Younger Generations by Mark Dever

What encourages you about the younger generation?

Apr 15

Jeff Dodge on Effective Discipleship Processes Within Large Churches by Jeff Dodge

What does an effective discipleship process look like in a large church?

Apr 7

Student Pastors Form Ecclesiology by Andrew Harper

As leaders, what we think about the church theologically leads to how our church operates practically, but it happens in reverse for our students. As they see how the church functions practically, they develop their own theology of the church, their own ecclesiology.